Friday, August 30, 2013

Another millionth post about houses!

So for the next 40ish days until we close on October 11th, I will be in stress panic mode. I had a breakdown last night but my wonderful fiancé made me feel a lot better. There are going to be a lot of stresses in life and right now that is money for us. I keep crunching numbers like its my job and it makes me upset. Shea told me to back up and look at everything, this is suppose to be happy times. I just need to keep reminding myself that it is. The boys (my uncle Shea my dad and our realtor jay) went to see the house yesterday. I was really upset I couldn't go and that is probably a little why I had the breakdown. But yes like 10 hours after we won in the bidding war we went to see the house! But, it was really helpful to bring my uncle along because the thing I was stressing about the most (the roof) he says is fine. Right now we just need to worry about faulty plumbing that is leaking in the basement, replacing the basement stairs, and insulating the attic. We also found out we might be able to qualify for a grant and installing AC would not be as much as we thought. Which could be awesome! 

The other funny thing that happened yesterday is that the boys met the seller of the house! We found out through signing documents that he lives next door to us!! Apparently his daughter lived in the house and moved out so he was selling it for her. He has lived in the town for years so he couldn't stop talking about it! And we found out that the house has only had 2 owners since its been built, and lets just say that's amazing considering the house was built in 1920 and is 7 years shy of being a 100 years old. So that I think is fantastic news!

They also met the seller's realtor and she is a piece of work. She came in saying pop are you doubting buying it now? Which we later learned was because she has a cash offer now for the house. But Beotch! Move out of the way! This house is ours!

Other than that, we are leaving for vacation today around 1pm! Ahhhh!! Can't wait!! I have missed Vermont and I just pulled an allnighter working in something with my dad so I am seriously done with everything!

Yay! For vacation and yay!! For houses!!

Talk to you next week :)

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