Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Hotel Life

Helllooooo! I'm back!

Soooo my fabulous news which you probably figured out by now is that...... I GOT A NEW JOB!! yayyyyyyy!!

I am beyond excited for this new job!! My first day was yesterday and it went sooo sooo well!! The people here are amazing and so helpful, and I LOVE working for a coporation over a small company so far! But, that's just me :)

So, my job is out of state right now until they move to New Jersey at the end of August so, Monday thru Friday I am living in a hotel!!

It's crazy! But, the hotel and area are nice and I am loving it so far! The hotel has a fitness center...an indoor pool, an outdoor pool, laundry, kitchens inside the room, It's great!

My fridge is currently stocked with apples, carrots, ranch dressing, deli meats, bread, yogurt, and vitamin water. My grocery shopping will hopefully improved haha!

Below are pictures of my hotel....

Skype is always needed when your away from your hubby to be :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

End of a Very Short Era

Since I graduated college a year ago..
I have been commuting to the city
and working in the city

My dad has been my commuting buddy
Or I actually "his" commuting buddy
We get on the train together and he gets off at Newark Penn Station
Giving me a kiss on my forehead
A whispered "I love you"
And a sweet smile
And I stay on the train till New York City

It was been like that for a year...
You take for granted the time you spend together
The morning commentary
talking about the weekends' events
or the news on the radio

We would listen to music sometimes
Make jokes at each other's expense
Comment on my dad's driving

Some days we would drive in all the way to my dad's work
Where I would then have him drop me off at the path station
and I would continue on to New York

The long car rides were the best
We would talk the whole time
Laugh at each other
Laugh at him as he curses a bad driver
He cracks me up

I have always been a daddy's girl
I have cherished the time I have spent with him this past year
It's moments that the other 4 kids did not get with him
It's the moments that thinking about them make me teary eyed
I have the special bond with him every morning
The commuter bond.

We know how it is to get up at 6am Monday-Friday
We have to be out the door around 7am
Make a 7:30am train

We know how it feels when a train is late
When a train changes from express to local!
When you get on to a train just to find out it's broken down
To not find a seat on a train and have to stand
To have to sit in the awkward seat across from the bathroom (i hate that seat!)
To deal with annoying commuters who talk loud in the morning
the ones on their cell phone screaming
The babies crying

How it feels to have a power outage on the line and no access to New Jersey
Sitting in a hot train station
Waiting for a train for hours
Forgetting your in the "quiet car" and getting yelled at

We have had a lot of memories
Ones I wouldn't trade for anything
Ones that I will miss in the coming months and years
Ones that could never compete with anything else

Now, I take a new job that is not in the city
One that will change my life upside down for the time being
One where I have to drive every morning (without my daddy)
One where I will be living in a hotel for the months of July and August
One that has no train or daddy to comfort me

Last day commuting together :( my daddy and I cried

It's a big change
But, I am so excited to take on this change
excited for this new adventure!
Big changes, and great memories
But nothing
could take the place of my commuter bond with my daddy :)

ooo and ADIOS New York!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pictures: Movies and New Car

This week will be light and probably next week and then I can explain EVERYTHING!!!
But here is some pictures from our week :)

 I LOVE us :) He makes me so happy!

After a hefty day of car shopping and Shea's Nephew's 1st Birthday Party we headed to the movies with my brother and his girlfriend to see Madagascar 3.
My brother is leaving to go abroad the whole month of July in Africa so I want to see him as much as possible before he leaves!
AMAZING movie by the way!! We were laughing the whole time!

Well hello NEW car!! To say I am obsessed with my new 2012 Toyota Rav4 Sport with a V6 engine...would be an understatement. I never have fallen in LOVE with a vehicle before!
Soooo Shea about this whole engagement thing.......
That V6 engine is going to get me in trouble!! But, I love owning a car and something that is just mine and no one elses! It feels like such an accomplishment!
I named her "Ellie" because I love that name and Shea's car is Eleanor so Ellie is the new, improved and young Eleanor haha! So, whenever I talk about my car I say, "Aww I miss Ellie so much :(" Shea just laughs!

Already a HUGE fan. Love my Sophie!!

Happy Wednesday :)

Monday, June 18, 2012


First off...
Happy Father's Day to my AMAZING Father.
I have always been daddy's girl.
Him and I can do anything together
And talk about anything together
We have always had an amazing relationship

After Shea's father passed away suddenly from a car accident 3 years ago
I have looked at family a new way
You don't know what is going to happen
One day your life is rainbows and cupcakes
Next it's chaos and tears
that day is a day I will always remember
How I felt helpless and didn't know how to comfort Shea
I just knew I needed to be there for him
And I always have been

This past Sunday we laid my Grandfather to rest
His wishes were to have his ashes spread under the Brooklyn Bridge
For fear of staying over in the police department
(you don't go around dumping ashes in New York after 9/11)
We decided the next best place was a harbor
Near where his first house with my grandmother was
As my family gathered around my uncle holding the container of ashes
I bowed my head
The ashes were released and a weight was lifted off

I have not seen my grandfather since I was 13
He became secluded from the family and no one saw him
It was heartbreaking, but we had my grandmother who was our shining light

She is an AMAZING person
The most amazing grandmother you could have
My grandfather married one hell of a woman
Without him my mother would not be here
Without him my aunt and 3 uncles would not be here
Without him my 12 cousins and 4 siblings would not be here

I held anger in my heart for him not being around
I held anger when I learned of his death 3 weeks ago
I didn't cry I was numb
I was hurt
But, I can not blame him nor hold anymore anger to him
He wanted to be around he just couldn't

He has taught me a great lesson
That family is number one
That you shouldn't hold grudges against people
Lighten your heart a little and forgive those who have wronged you
I don't want to have a heavy heart anymore
That's why I am forgiving him

I am forgiving him for missing the parties, the birthdays, the good times, the bad
I am saying "thank you" to him for helping me see how important my family is to me
I am saying "thank you" to him for helping me see that there is no shame in saying "i need help"
I hope he can rest in peace and find his way back to heaven
I hope he can rest easy knowing our family forgave him
I hope he can remind me everyday to not take life for granted
I hope I will see him again one day

Rest in Peace Opa <3

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday yay!! You are here! One more week till Shea's graduation! One more week in the city!! One more week till a new job! Whoop whoop!! Dear Shea thanks for the impromptu dinner yesterday night :) And I love how we were going to go to a fancy italian dinner but it was closed so we settled on pizza haha! Dear Pizza Store Lady thanks for staying open past 10pm to serve us pizza! You were the sweetest lady ever :) Dear New Car whyyyy hello new car I will be buying this weekend!!!!!!!! I have never owned my own car this is crazy this is exciting! This is expensive! :/ Dear Keratin Treatment you work wonders and you make me LOVE my hair during the summer! Obsessed!! Dear Daddy today was our last Friday commuting together!! This is so sad :( I will miss my commuting buddy! Dear Shea I will be your DD tonight if you drive me to the dentist tomorrow....deal...okay deal

Linking up with Adventures of the Newlyweds

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Week in Pictures: Baby Version

So, on Sunday my brother told us that Victor Cruz was coming to our mall for a grand opening. So, naturally Shea and I had to head there to see our Giant player!! But, since we are not ones to stand in line we went to go eat at PF Changs and then waited on the outside for him to come out. (so this picture is zoomed in considerably)

From Left: Bailey, Avery, Xavier

Last night Shea and I were on babysitting duty! Cassie took Chloe with them so we had to watch Xavier, Bailey, and Avery. They were all fussing in their bouncy seats so I decided "tummy time" would be a good option. Well, tummy time made them all take naps...so it helped right?? Quiet babies for an hour sounds good to me!

 When we got back from AC we got home and babies were in need of feeding so we all took one. I got Miss Chloe and I got to look at this beautiful face all afternoon :)

After I held Miss Chloe for hours I had to feed Avery. (She might be my favorite but don't tell anyone!) Avery is a peanut and considerably tinnier than the other 3. I love it! And she is the best at taking her bottle and burping! She can be done in 15mins flat! New record Miss Avery! 

Shea holding Xavier and Bailey

As I was getting babies ready for a feeding one night when Cassie had stepped out to run errands I had to hand Shea 2 babies. He wasn't totally happy about it, but he is a champ! (And as you can see the Devils were playing that night which they lost :( soo sad and that meant a sad Shea!)

Also, that night I mastered feeding two babies at once!! I was so proud of myself! Apparently I have been deemed to have the magic touch with the babies haha!
I guess I will be one pretty good mom myself :)

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Puppy's Decision

When a puppy decides to run after a squirrel...
Sometimes that puppy runs through poison ivy
When a whole household (except for one person)
Is very allergic to poison ivy
That one person (me) has to bathe that naughty puppy

So then that one person (me) has to put on a bathing suit
and jump into a tub
and bathe the naughty puppy

Then, blow dry the naughty puppy
Then, brush the naughty puppy
And then, the puppy will think twice before chasing after squirrels.

Happy Tuesday

Monday, June 11, 2012

Atlantic City: Eric is Home!

Sooooo this weekend was awesome! Not a lot of sleep gained but amazing! And I got super crazy exciting news Friday!!!!! So, it made my weekend start off great :)

I can tell you the news in a couple weeks. Lets first talk about our AC trip!

We went down on Friday night, and got there around 10pm. Then, we had to wait in lines to check in with everyone. By the time we got to our rooms changed and met people to head out for the night it was one am. Shea and I don't go out at one am! Never! I was already exhausted from the work week, but I pushed myself through and stayed awake!

It was a ton of fun hanging out with Eric and his friends. We went to a place called Dusk at Caesars to dance and have fun. It was a cool place, but it was really small for a club so I don't foresee myself going there again.

We then walked to Bailey's and gambled a little and hung out more. We ended up not getting back to the rooms till 6am. The the only thing that made up for that is that I got to see the sunrise :) I don't think I have seen a sunrise in years!! But, it was beautiful and I got an amazing view of it!

Pictures below.....

Preparing For Future Engagement Photos

As we were driving back the next morning we were so sleep deprived so we sang to every song possible on the radio! And, we made up a dance routine to "Call Me Maybe." I love this man :)

Happy Monday :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Shea you can make me laugh sooooo stinkin quick! I love you to pieces :) Dear AC please don't take all of our money tonight! I would like to come home with money please! Dear Cassie I am ready for baby care Saturday night! Dear Eric I am so glad that you are home! And I am glad that it makes Shea so happy that you are home :) Lets make this upcoming week go slow! Dear Sophie having an accident near the pool in front of dad was not your best move. I have never seen you run quicker away after you did it though! Dear Devils soooo you want to play some hockey and win Saturday?? The boys would really appreciate it! Dear Shea lets win BIG tonight and learn to walk away when needed so we don't lose all our money :)

Linking up with Adventures of the Newlyweds

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Eric, Shea's Brother (Seth), and Shea

So, yesterday we finally got word that Shea's cousin Eric had landed after 4 days of traveling from Afghanistan back to New Jersey. So, as I had baby in arm I picked up the phone and Eric told me he was going to a place to see everyone and watch the Devils game.

So Shea, Shea's brother and I headed over to see him! It was so exciting to see him after 7 months and just hang out! He has some crazy stories about his last 7 months that we were laughing all night about. We are going to AC this weekend to hang out more which I am excited about!

And to top it all off the Devils finally won last night so all the boys are going to the playoff game Saturday! Which means baby duty for me :) Totally okay with it!

Happy Thursday <3 ((Make sure to say thank you to a solider in your life))

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wedding Wedneday!

Just had to post this because......

We put our down payment down!!

We are officially getting married at Perona Farms (aka "the barn") on May 17th, 2014 :)

 Shea signing documents!!

Me signing documents!!!

We are getting married!!!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weekend Lunch

I went to my grandmother's cousin's house this weekend for a weekend lunch with my mom, aunt, and grandmother. Her house is AMAZING! It looks like it came right out of a magazine! I just wanted to stay in her backyard for hours on end.

Then, while we were driving back my aunt got lost and we ended up in Philly. But, it's okay because it was the scenic route :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Shea it's Friday!! We are both in pain because of cross fit (probably me more than you) :( back rub later.......??? Dear Cross Fit you kicked my butt royally I can't move. You know there is a problem when the elderly is walking faster than you. #crossfitproblems Dear Wedding Venue we get to put our deposit down this weekend!! Yay!!!!! Dear Future Wedding in 2014 you seem forever away but I am happy with this decision. You will be fabulous! :) Dear Babies I can't wait to hold each and every one of you this weekend :) Master feeder and Aunt I will be! Dear Friend that I haven't seen in 2 years!! I am soooooooo excited to see you Monday!!!! Ahhhh! You made my week :) Dear Bloggers sorry for all the :) I am in a good mood today! Dear Next Week lets bring some happy fantastic news! Dear Shea I love you more and more everyday! Can't wait to see the gift you got me!

Linking up with Adventures of the Newlyweds