Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wedding Wednesday

You know that time I said I would be a better blogger and I failed at it day 1????

Yea...... it will be hard but I will get back.

I am leaving for vacation Saturday so I will be gone next week and come back with a post that following Monday.

(By the way thanks to all the blogger LOVE on Friday!! Loved it!)

So any whoooo.... in the world of my wedding I paid the second deposit on our venue today! It's not exciting to lose money but yay! It's getting closer!! Only 21 Months to go!!

So the weekend after our vacation is our ENGAGEMENT PARTY!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

I have been looking forward to this for months!! And it is finnaly here!!! I will have a whole post on it after the fact. Maybe even have a lead up of wedding posts before it!

But, this Sunday I am finally annoucing my Bridesmaids on vacation!! I am super excited for that and to see all their reactions!! And my Aunt is in charge of pictures so I will have tons!! I will also let you know what I am giving each Bridesmaid as a gift :) So excited for that as well!!

Sooooo, to end the post will be a picture of the engagement invites that I sent out to everyone :) super proud of them and loved how it turned out! And yes I designed them myself :)

((Where it says "engagement celebration" plays off the decorations of lanterns I will be having! So there is a purpose!!))

Happy Wednesday!!