Friday, August 30, 2013

Another millionth post about houses!

So for the next 40ish days until we close on October 11th, I will be in stress panic mode. I had a breakdown last night but my wonderful fiancĂ© made me feel a lot better. There are going to be a lot of stresses in life and right now that is money for us. I keep crunching numbers like its my job and it makes me upset. Shea told me to back up and look at everything, this is suppose to be happy times. I just need to keep reminding myself that it is. The boys (my uncle Shea my dad and our realtor jay) went to see the house yesterday. I was really upset I couldn't go and that is probably a little why I had the breakdown. But yes like 10 hours after we won in the bidding war we went to see the house! But, it was really helpful to bring my uncle along because the thing I was stressing about the most (the roof) he says is fine. Right now we just need to worry about faulty plumbing that is leaking in the basement, replacing the basement stairs, and insulating the attic. We also found out we might be able to qualify for a grant and installing AC would not be as much as we thought. Which could be awesome! 

The other funny thing that happened yesterday is that the boys met the seller of the house! We found out through signing documents that he lives next door to us!! Apparently his daughter lived in the house and moved out so he was selling it for her. He has lived in the town for years so he couldn't stop talking about it! And we found out that the house has only had 2 owners since its been built, and lets just say that's amazing considering the house was built in 1920 and is 7 years shy of being a 100 years old. So that I think is fantastic news!

They also met the seller's realtor and she is a piece of work. She came in saying pop are you doubting buying it now? Which we later learned was because she has a cash offer now for the house. But Beotch! Move out of the way! This house is ours!

Other than that, we are leaving for vacation today around 1pm! Ahhhh!! Can't wait!! I have missed Vermont and I just pulled an allnighter working in something with my dad so I am seriously done with everything!

Yay! For vacation and yay!! For houses!!

Talk to you next week :)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

No words

In a couple weeks, if all goes smoothly, this little beauty is officially ours!!

Today has been such a rush of emotions! One of the craziest days ever, but now I am sitting back and reflecting and seeing how blessed in life I really am. I am insanely scared and happy all at the same time. I have never felt like this. And it is making me want to sit and cry. Not because of sadness but because I couldn't ever imagine getting to this point. And now were here. We are almost homeowners. we are almost there in finding a place to call home and a place to start making memories. and how scary/happy that might be that is something to smile about :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Get off the Pot

6am call times for photoshoots are not fun!

Just checking in quickly!

Been so tired and busy lately! Had a head cold (or allergies) last week and was so out of it and then had a photoshoot for work the past 3 days. So I am exhausted! Waking up at 5am is not fun! Especially when your up till midnight both nights working on a project for your grandma. (More on that later!) But, since I have poured so much time and energy into this project at work I was given a comp day for Friday which I am sooo happy about! Then, I can sleep and get Shea and I prepared for vacation!!! We are leaving whenever Shea gets out of work Friday so hopefully that's around 2ish.

We made a HUGE adult decision tonight and I'm still reeling from it. After coming back from 24 work hours in 2 days at a photoshoot with around 8 hours of sleep combined, it was definitely not the day I would have liked to make such a critical decision. But, I felt like we were backed into a corner and needed to "shit or get off the pot" as deprived sleep Katy would say. Fingers crossed and prayers are needed! Lets hope this much much needed vacation starts off on the right foot :)

Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

Thought I would try and reinstate wedding Wednesday around here. 

Yesterday we went to see another DJ. (And can I just say I hate going to DJ appointments!) I know my budget doesn't lend to a band so I have to go DJ, and I'm not entirely happy with it but the DJ we met with last night finally won me over.

He wasn't showy or over the top. He gave us a walk through of the whole wedding and has a great website for us to choose all the songs we want and suggestions as well. Plus he was extremely nice! My uncle recommended him and I'm glad he did! Now I just need to tell him we are picking him and send the deposit and were good!

Glad to get another big thing crossed up the list! It also didn't hurt that the DJ was 2 miles from Seaside :). We enjoyed Mexican food for dinner while having a view of the ocean! Much needed after a busy work week and house hunting week! We grabbed some fudge, (My favorite thing at the beach!) and headed home after midnight. We felt so badass for staying out late on a work night! We really must be getting old :)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Giants Game

We are soaking up the last of summer! And we have been going to our annual sports games to see our favorite teams :) the Yankees and the giants! I like watching baseball but oooo how much I have missed football!! Football means fall and lazy Sundays cuddling up in blankets watching the game and having people over for wings and beer (for the guys at least! Not a beer drinker myself). But I love fall! I am ready for fall clothes and boots! I am also glad this is our last football season as an engaged couple! This time next year we will be married! And that makes me over the moon excited! Looking forward to football Sundays and the first ever Super Bowl in New Jersey!! (Not looking forward to the traffic!) now enjoy some pictures! :)

Got to see MO pitch for the first time! This will be his last season :( so sad!

Love games with my Shea :)

Shea his brother Seth and his cousin Eric joined us :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Envision yourself

So my fiancĂ©'s brother said you will know the house is right for you when you can envision yourself living there. The house we saw on Sunday I can totally do that! 

I can envision a nice big couch against the main huge window in the living room and no drapes to let the sunshine come through... Shea cooking breakfast (come on a girl can dream haha) while I am finishing working on my laptop on the kitchen table. Peering above it every now and then to catch a smile from him. Our kids running in from the backyard through the kitchen as I tell them to slow down, and go back and take their dirty shoes off, in the mud room. I can picture us taking pictures out in front of the house, and a vegetable garden in the backyard. I can picture it all. And I hate this nagging feeling like it might not be the one or we haven't seen enough to know. It's just hard not to dream :)

Monday, August 12, 2013


It's interesting to see how Shea and my's relationship has grown over the last almost 8 years! I see it the most in our types of conversations.

When before our normal conversations were about where to go to eat and what movie to watch. Simple pure conversations that a new couple would have. Then it traveled to how many children should we have and what our dream wedding would be like. 

Our conversations these days are what kind of duct work is behind the wall and is there enough room in the walls to convert the house to central air or how much we should put aside for the couch and bed we still need.

Those are the conversations your parents had that you thought we're boring or so "grown-up." But now I see their interest in those things because I never knew I would be excited about duct work! Or learning the difference between oil and gas heat and forced air and baseboard heat. I am so beyond excited to fill my days with how to tear down plaster walls and how to move a wall to make a bigger closet. And I am so excited I get to have these conversations with my Shea :) these my dear are the best conversations by far!

Sunday, August 11, 2013


I'm back I'm back!!

I have been keeping up with my usual blogs these days thanks to the wonderful bloglovin app and its making me want to start blogging again! And with the blogger app I can write posts easier than hiding in a corner at work trying to write a quick post!

Life is kind of hectic these days! Since my last post of a year ago lots of fun exciting things have happened! I now have a new niece and nephew! That brings the grand total to 10!!! Seriously Christmas is going to suck this year fort wallet haha but I do love buying baby clothes and toys! Everyone is happy and healthy! B from the quads is walking! Seriously they have grown up so quickly! They are all mobile now so eating dinner is crazy. Shea and I sit scrunched up into balls so we can eat and not have little hands in our food. But I am just so glad they are all doing so well!

Wedding updates! So I have a habit of changing the wedding date. Most if not all people choose a date and keep it but not Shea and I! Or me for that matter. I never thought of myself as one of those need the best brides but I really am turning into one. Another location opened at our venue and I told myself no I am not changing anything we are just going to look at it. Shea knew better. And OMG after I walked in and saw it my mouth dropped and I was sold! So we will now be married outside an old diary barn and having the reception in the barn!! I CAN'T wait! Our new date is June 7th, 2014. So the countdown is on! I bought my dress back in May and I seriously want to wear it everyday and everywhere!! I miss seeing it and am patiently waiting 4 more months for them to call me for my first fitting :), but it's beautiful in every way and nothing I saw myself getting or what Shea would expect which I'm happy about :)! DJ is our major last thing and I hate all djs so I am having a hard time but we will see. I booked the videographer and they are amazing!!! And coming all the way up from Georgia! We took our engagement pictures the end of May and I love them with all my heart! I can look at them for days and have posted them everywhere :). I will do a post on those soon! Honeymoon we picked Costa Rica. I'm excited! Any place would be perfect with my man.

Now on to our next major task! House hunting!!! We spoke with mortgage guy back in February who I love! Such a sweet guy and is a newlywed himself which makes me love him more! He referred us to our realtor now and he just so happens to know my brother. Such a small world. Rates are starting to slowly creep back up so I feel like I'm in a rat race now. Last weekend of house hunting sucked! I was so upset because every house we wanted to stay was already sold. I never realized how emotional this process can be but it really is. You just got to keep your head up and keep moving forward. We went to see a house today and it was extremely cute! Older built in the 1920's but very cute! And lots of potential. There are a few main things that need to be worked out like converting it to central air (a must for me!) and moving the laundry to the first floor, but it's the first house that I could truly see us living and starting a family in. Shea just lit up after we saw and just said to me that he LOVED it! And Shea has been picky so it meant a lot. We are now crunching ourselves to see houses over the next 2 weeks before we leave for vacation (Vermont you are so close and so needed!!) and if we still like the house after vacation we will make an offer. It's scary being grown-ups! And the house hunting process it's tough work and a second job (that I have no time for because my first job keeps me soooo busy!) but it is getting fun again so I am glad. 

And work is soooo busy! I got put in charge of a huge project which I am thankful for but it's making me so stressed! And I work 7am-7pm almost everyday! Ugh! Working for myself needs to come into play soon because working for the man sucks bunches! The next 3 weeks will be killer but then I leave for Vermont with Shea and his brothers family (all 7 kids in tow) and I CANNOT wait! 

But I am excited to blog again :) this is really the best time of y life! And I want to remember it :)