Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Picture

So I was a bad blogger again but when you buy a house you are BUSY!! And we haven't even started working on it yet!!

We are planning on tearing down lots of walls in the next couple weeks so that will be fun :) I can't wait to start transforming this house!!

So now on to more important things! My amazing fiancé got me a brand new spankin camera for my birthday!! Yes my birthday is not till January but it was an early gift so I could re-learn how to use a total manual camera! I really need to focus learning on it, but right now I am happy experimenting. Which leads to our Christmas photo!

I am so glad to have a great camera for the Christmas photo! I was told once you send out an Xmas card you ALWAYS need to send one out! Well peeps I am ready for the challenge! I will put templates to shame and design ours every year! I will try and take it in the same place every year like my parents did! (Except next year which you know will be a wedding photo... And once we have a baby front door will probably not work.... Hmmmm will have to rethink that last point) but shutterfly is my best friend and printed all of them. Now I am just waiting for my orange box!!

While we wait.... Here is a sneak peak of the photo :)

And yes it is snowing in the picture! Be jealous of the amazingness!! :)

Christmas season kickoff!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Friday Letters

Dear Friday: work was blah and long but I rushed home after work to get to our house! Dear house: we have owned you for 24 hours and I am so over the moon happy! Shea and I just stood there and looked at the house and walked around it was amazing! Such a great feeling! Dear Paul: than you so much for your sweet gift of hand painted wine glass and a bottle of wine to congratulate us on the house I was so excited to receive my first gift! Dear Chelsea: I love you sister and I am so happy you were the first one to come to our house and enjoy it, we have nothing there and the boys were tossing around a paper towel roll like a football but it was amazing :) great Friday in awhile! And thank you so much for the bottle of wine and card :) Dear Shea: your birthday is tomorrow and I can't wait to celebrate another birthday with you! I love you so much :)

Happy Friday!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


We are FINALLY homeowners!! I don't even know what to say! It was a crazy day filled with emotions! I just still can't believe it that it finally happened and the house is finally ours! Now let the fun begin :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Car Accident

Sooo apparently I was bored last week and had nothing to do, so I decided to rear end someone. That's seriously how I feel.

It was my first car accident and I was literally shaking and terrified as it happened. To make it worse my boss and co-worker were in the car! Great impression Katy! Raise for you!

It was minor though, in my insurance companies' eyes its $2,000 worth of minor damage. Eeeekk!! I'm just so glad I had insurance and only have to pay my deductible. I couldn't afford much more with a house a wedding these days.

And my insurance company has been awesome! I have progressive and they seriously have made this process a lot less stressful.

9:30am accident 
10:30 make claim online
11:15 call from progressive (go over accident, damage, and if I want to get it fixed. Then made an appointment to get a rental car and drop off my car at 4:15pm that same day)
4:00 get to progressive and go in
4:10 dropped off my car and driving away in my Nissan sentra rental

So easy an painless! That happened all Thursday. Got a call from them Monday with the estimate for damage and checking up if I am enjoying my rental.

How I company should act in my book! Even if I am the one that caused the accident they have never made me feel bad or stupid. All the things I was feeling.

Now we will have to think twice about switching to another auto provider after we close. But I am just counting the days until I get my car back! I miss it!

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Leins on houses

Soooooo we didn't close today and Monday is a holiday and the seller found a stash of mortgages against the house... So were stuck. Now we are just waiting to clear all the non sense up and it's ours. I am trying to stay calm, I wasn't exactly the nicest person today in emails because I was getting frustrated. But wouldn't you be annoyed when the seller has had the last 45 days to clear all this up and day 45 they find out an issue??! Annoying but I am moving on and looking at furniture. 

I want a chair in the living room that I will call the "statement chair". My other couches will be grey so the statement chair needs to be a patterned color to POP and bring the whole room together.

Right now I am loving these chairs. Because I'm not thinking about Leins on houses I'm thinking chairs :) happy Friday!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Not closing....yet

So after the longest annoying day going back and forth with the mortgage company... I thought yesterday sucked but today topped the cake. There was a system error on PNC bank's side and it showed up on Shea's bank statement and it couldn't be explained and we couldn't explain it. We finally got it cleared up and at 4:18pm we finally found out we were cleared to close!!!! So yay's and smiles happened and I was all excited! I left work early and walked to my car and got a call from the mortgage company saying congrats and I continued walking an then called the real estate agent to follow up about tomorrow and the wall thru tonight. Well that conversation didn't go as well and I learned that we couldn't close tomorrow because the attorneys don't have enough time to prepare. I was so mad! Furious actually. After all that hard work and we couldn't even close tomorrow :( a lost weekend and will not consist of me being mad an angry that I'm not sitting on the floor of my house. But what can you do. Just have to go with the flow and look forward to next week when we will finally be homeowners! So it might be Tuesday because Monday is a holiday. (Didn't I say don't buy a house around a holiday!!?? How about 2 holidays??!!) 

But let's hope I can get my mind off my anger and relax on the last weekend we have money :)

Happy Friday!!

Almost closing!

We find out tomorrow morning if we are closing Friday!! After a long work day and back and forth with the mortgage company I am beat! I am so over this whole process and just want to be cleared to close now! After all our hard wrk ad stress of getting everything to the underwriter I am going to be mad if we don't close Friday. I should start drafting my angry letter to my mortgage company on how I am not recommending anyone to them and I am telling people not to buy a house or pay in cash! Mortgage companies are the worst!

Crossing fingers we close in less than 48 hours!! Happy Wednesday :)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

One week left

We are less than a week away from closing! I can't believe how quickly these last 45 days have gone! It was extremely stressful! Seriously I tell anyone to buy a house with cash and not get a mortgage. Not that we had any chance of doing that, but I have never been asked for so many ridiculous information and paper work ugh! It was annoying but I think we are done sending in documents and now it's just having the underwriter do their thing. Appraisal was done last week, we agreed on things the seller would give us in light of the inspection (which included termite treatment for the house and a credit to fix the electrical) and now we are just waiting on everyone else. We have done our part so lets close and finally say we are homeowners :)

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

An Angel

I seriously am convinced with have an angel watching over us these days. Someone up above making sure everything goes to plan and helping us along the way. With Shea's father and grandfather passing away 5 years ago, I know that they have been watching over us. Helping us along because they are not here to help and provide guidance. This whole home process has gone way to smoothly and I truly feel it was because of them.

I have never gone into detail of how we got the house so here it goes:

Back in the end of August I was at a photo shoot for a huge project I was working on at work. It was a 3 day long photoshoot with 5am call times and not ending till 6pm. I was mentally and physically exhausted. I was on day 2 of the photoshoot and found out we would be ending early and we didn't have to stay at the hotel that night. I was happy to go home and sleep in my own bed and see Shea.

I got a text from our realtor at around 5pm that the house we loved so much had an offer on it, and the offer was being presented the next day at 12pm. So, if we wanted to make an offer this was the time and we needed to move fast. I was FREAKING out. Literally upset, scared, and feeling sick to my stomach. I texted Shea and said OMG what are we going to do!! Now we have to make an offer and I am not emotionally ready to make one. Shea of course the "calm-downer" of katy said take a breather and we will figure it out when you get home tonight.

I finally left the shoot at 6:30pm and got home around 8pm. Shea was waiting at my house where we talked about the whole thing. It also happen to be our fanstasy football draft that night. So, as we are drafting our players we are on the phone with the realtor figuring out what to offer. (probably why my team sucks so much this year) After we got off the phone with him and the draft ended we talked it over with my parents and finally came to a decision on an offer. The whole issue was that our realtor didn't support our offer and they thought we were to low and with another offer on the table we needed to be prepared to not get the house with what we were submitting. The had every right to be scared, we were offering 30,000 under asking price. But, with the work needed on the house we knew we need to stand firm. (at least that night we did)

So, we went to sleep all crazed and scared not knowing what was going to happen. The next morning I went to th photoshoot again to coordinate the packing up of the product. Our realtor sent us the offer letter and we both signed it digitally. Me with my computer on my lap on a lounge chair telling people move that over there and e-signing a document. I then rushed back to my car put my computer away and helped pack the rest. Twenty minutes before the truck was coming to pick up the merchandised it started pouring..i mean POURING... like cats and dogs! I have never been so soaked in my life from a rian storm. I finally left the shoot, but not before my boss boss looked at me and said I should go home and change before going back to the office. Then, she corrected and said work from home, you deserve it. I had every intention of going back to the office, but by a miracle she said go and work from home.

I drove home soaked from head to toe and walked into the door when my dad saw me. (see my parents were on vacation for 2 weeks! Another MIRACLE!!) My mom and dad saw me and my dad said let me make you a sandwich you look like you had a long day so far. (sweetest dad ever!) I ate the sandwich and talked about my hell of a morning when I got a phone call. It was my realtor and his boss calling in, after many attempts later we finally got Shea on the phone as well. (he was at work) They told us that the other offer was a lot higher than ours but that the seller was giving us another chance to make a counter offer.

Now, we knew for sure that meant the other buyer was not a solid buyer. (which we found out later was true) Why else would they give us another chance after we low-balled the hell out of them!? So, this made us a little happy but then stressed about going above our intial offer. After talks with the parents many phone calls with our mortgage guy and back and forth between Shea and I we finally decided to offer 13,000 under asking price. It was a lot more then our first offer but it was what felt still comfortable at and we really loved the house.

We called back our realtor and told him the offer and then there was silence for like 5 hours! Longest 5 hours of my life! I sat on the couch and tried to work but was mostly distracted by my mind. I went to go get food with my brother and came back to eat it at home. We were all sitting around the table ready to eat (my mom, dad, and brother.. my only regret during this process is that Shea wasn't there :( but what can you do!) I took one bite of food and the phone rang again. It was our realtor and his boss again with more news. We got a hold of Shea and put him on speaker...

Our realtor's boss: "so we have good news and bad news, which do you want first...?"
Me: "I guess I will take the bad news....."
Our realtor's boss: "The bad news is we couldn't call you earlier to tell you the GOOD NEWS!! You got the house!!"

I literally could have fallen to the floor, thankfully I was in the seated position. After that i couldn't eat anymore, my appetite disappeared and craziness started! We could not believe it!

So, that is the long story of how we got the house, and almost 45 days later we are closing in 9 days... WHAT!!??

But, the reason I started this, is that everything fell into place perfectly! My parents were home to help, I got to work from home the first time EVER in my year of working there, and we got the house. Perfect perfection it was.

Earlier today we couldn't find Shea's 2011 W2 and we were freaking out! Our annoying mortgage guy (who I want to yell at so badly!!) told us the day before everything is sent to the underwriter that we are missing documents so we go crazy looking for them, and when all hope was almost lost Shea grabbed a paper that had fallen behind his computer and there GLOWING was the w2! I have never been so happy to see a piece of paper!

But, just another miracle on the long list! We have some amazing people looking out for us! And we truly miss them dearly. :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


You know your an adult when you turn to your fiancé and say: "do you want to go down to the court house and get married this year so we can get a tax break for next year??!" The fiancé laughs and smiles and continues on what he is doing while I sit there and wonder "does he know I am dead serious?!"

That's where my head is at these days budget budget budget... Money money money! Which sucks because I hate worrying about those things but what can you do when your 15 days away from the biggest thing in your life at the moment!

This past Sunday we had the inspection. The inspection itself went good. They didn't find anything major, my mom got to see it finally and she was in LOVE, and my brother helped along with what would need to be repaired. The social aspect of the inspection, not so well. I feel like you should be totally honest on blogs and not paint a pretty picture of a fairy tale. Not everyday is peachy keen! And Sunday was far from it.

It started off with the inspection being at 10am and Shea not being done with football till around 11:30. Next time I swear to you I am not letting him go to football. I knew something would go wrong but I tried to be nice and tell him just be at the house at 11am ON THE DOT! Apparently he didn't think I was serious about that statement as he rolled in around almost 1145. The man was dead just by one look from me. They were short on people at football he left his phone in the car... Blah blah blah. To top it all off he did not make me aware his mother was attending. I didn't think it was the best time to show her anyway because of the inspection chaos nor did I have the energy to show someone around. My parents came to help out with the inspection and being there to answer questions so that was justified. Well I woke up and got ready and was warned by my future SIL that his mom was coming so I could prepare as the fumes came out my ears. She must have known i was to my limits because she said to words to me and then disappeared until Shea arrived. Some days i just get pushed to the end and i cant do it anymore. But I am trying to get over it all. He made apologies to every possible person and mostly to me. I think mentally he is scared about this whole thing. I show it by taking on to much and ignoring my emotions while he just ignores the whole subject. But nothing is perfect but I love him and that is all that matters. He is going to annoy me but we will work through it like we always do.

After the inspection we went out to brunch with my parents my brother Steve and his girl friend Nicole to my parents favorite Jamesburg restaurant fiddleheads. I have to say that place is amazing! I had a delicious eggs Benedict with peach lemonade! I was in heaven! After brunch Steve Nicole Shea and I all headed to go apple picking. We picked a ton of apples and then went home where I worked on some fall crafts. (Which ill post at some point) and Steve and Nicole made an amazing homemade apple pie for dessert! It was so good and I can still taste the amazingness of the pie! 

Other then that we got the inspection report back and are now waiting to see if the sellers will pay for termite treatment. We filled out the mortgage application and signed our names about a million times. And the mortgage company just ordered the bank appraisal today. We are moving along! October 11th will be here before you know it!

Hope all had a good weekend :) my sisters 21st birthday is tomorrow so we are celebrating with Mexican food and margaritas! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Busy would be an understatement right now. My work days are flying by because there is just so much to do. Seriously this has been the busiest 6 months of my life. I am totally ready for a real break and slow down. I have probably another moth of crazy work and then the holidays hit an it slows down a bit. Then January 1st everything blows up again! But I am looking forward to a trip with my family in January! The day before my 25th birthday we are all leaving to go to Disney for the week!! I am super super excited! That will finally be a fun vacation I need!

But right now I am enjoying the fall weather and soaking up the fresh leafy air. Is it just me or does the whole day feel different during the fall. There is just a spring in my step when it's 60 degrees and I can walk and crush the leaves beneath my feet. Oo how I do love fall!

I have been focused on home decor for the house and I am starting with a fall wreath. Yes Mr. Shea the day after we close you are hanging a fall wreath on the door :) so get ready! After searching through all different types I landed on this one below. I have everything but the wood wreath part which I will hopefully pick up at the craft store this weekend. Can't wait to see it on our beautiful red door :)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

House Update

2 posts in one day!

That's what's needed when you slack the last week! 

So house update! Note to others! Don't buy a house around a holiday! A lot of nothing goes on! But we did finally get out of attorney review this past Monday!!! Yay!! Shea turned to me and was like OMG!! We pretty much own a house!! It's crazy! And still has not set in! 

Now it's the start of paperwork for us, and an inspection not this Sunday but next Sunday 9/22! Cross your fingers nothing major comes up!!

Happy almost Friday!!! :)

Sad inside

Just a couple weeks ago Shea and I were walking down the seaside boardwalk eating Mexican food and laughing. Now this picture above does not exist. 85% of the boardwalk burned to the ground today taking childhood memories along with it. We were never huge seaside people, the jersey shore people ruined it for me, but when we weren't at point pleasant we were at seaside. After my junior prom Shea and I headed down there for some fun. We rode on go karts ate funnel cake and walked the beach. Just being at the jersey shore was wonderful. Tons of things to do and the hearing the sound of the ocean was my favorite. I could literally sit on the beach for hours at night and listen to the ocean and smell the salty air. After hurricane sandy last October this was the last thing the jersey shore needed. I am just glad we got to walk it one more time in its original state. But as we did from sandy we will rebuild and we will be better than ever. We will always be jersey strong :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013


We are in Vermont for the week :) we had like a 9 hour drive here on Friday! Stupid traffic! But then we got here ate dinner and passed out watching a movie. The next day we woke up and walked into willie's (a 2 mile walk each way), got some snacks and lunch and walked back. Talking the whole entire time about life, us, where we were 2 years ago (the last time we were here), and the house of course.

It is truly insane how much life changes in 2 years. Two years ago we were not engaged, I had just graduated college and I was not so happy about my job. Shea was still in school as working part time jobs to get by. We were in an unhappy place and wanted a change. Now we are engaged, have great jobs where we are loved by our co workers and almost have a house!! What!!? So crazy! I have never been so happy in my life! We just are having blessing after blessing! It just keeps getting better :)

Now back to the story and off my tangent :) ...after we got back from willies we cleaned up the house and relaxed and listened to music till people got there. Then the crowd of babies and Shea's brother and sister in law came through. We were so glad to see them!

After such a long emotional week this is all we need! The attorney review starts Tuesday because Monday is a holiday (labor day). So hopefully by Thursday we are done and onto the final leg of this. (Inspection, bank appraisal etc)

Here's to some finger crossing that we have no issues during the attorney review and I will be back next week :)

Happy Sunday :)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Another millionth post about houses!

So for the next 40ish days until we close on October 11th, I will be in stress panic mode. I had a breakdown last night but my wonderful fiancĂ© made me feel a lot better. There are going to be a lot of stresses in life and right now that is money for us. I keep crunching numbers like its my job and it makes me upset. Shea told me to back up and look at everything, this is suppose to be happy times. I just need to keep reminding myself that it is. The boys (my uncle Shea my dad and our realtor jay) went to see the house yesterday. I was really upset I couldn't go and that is probably a little why I had the breakdown. But yes like 10 hours after we won in the bidding war we went to see the house! But, it was really helpful to bring my uncle along because the thing I was stressing about the most (the roof) he says is fine. Right now we just need to worry about faulty plumbing that is leaking in the basement, replacing the basement stairs, and insulating the attic. We also found out we might be able to qualify for a grant and installing AC would not be as much as we thought. Which could be awesome! 

The other funny thing that happened yesterday is that the boys met the seller of the house! We found out through signing documents that he lives next door to us!! Apparently his daughter lived in the house and moved out so he was selling it for her. He has lived in the town for years so he couldn't stop talking about it! And we found out that the house has only had 2 owners since its been built, and lets just say that's amazing considering the house was built in 1920 and is 7 years shy of being a 100 years old. So that I think is fantastic news!

They also met the seller's realtor and she is a piece of work. She came in saying pop are you doubting buying it now? Which we later learned was because she has a cash offer now for the house. But Beotch! Move out of the way! This house is ours!

Other than that, we are leaving for vacation today around 1pm! Ahhhh!! Can't wait!! I have missed Vermont and I just pulled an allnighter working in something with my dad so I am seriously done with everything!

Yay! For vacation and yay!! For houses!!

Talk to you next week :)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

No words

In a couple weeks, if all goes smoothly, this little beauty is officially ours!!

Today has been such a rush of emotions! One of the craziest days ever, but now I am sitting back and reflecting and seeing how blessed in life I really am. I am insanely scared and happy all at the same time. I have never felt like this. And it is making me want to sit and cry. Not because of sadness but because I couldn't ever imagine getting to this point. And now were here. We are almost homeowners. we are almost there in finding a place to call home and a place to start making memories. and how scary/happy that might be that is something to smile about :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Get off the Pot

6am call times for photoshoots are not fun!

Just checking in quickly!

Been so tired and busy lately! Had a head cold (or allergies) last week and was so out of it and then had a photoshoot for work the past 3 days. So I am exhausted! Waking up at 5am is not fun! Especially when your up till midnight both nights working on a project for your grandma. (More on that later!) But, since I have poured so much time and energy into this project at work I was given a comp day for Friday which I am sooo happy about! Then, I can sleep and get Shea and I prepared for vacation!!! We are leaving whenever Shea gets out of work Friday so hopefully that's around 2ish.

We made a HUGE adult decision tonight and I'm still reeling from it. After coming back from 24 work hours in 2 days at a photoshoot with around 8 hours of sleep combined, it was definitely not the day I would have liked to make such a critical decision. But, I felt like we were backed into a corner and needed to "shit or get off the pot" as deprived sleep Katy would say. Fingers crossed and prayers are needed! Lets hope this much much needed vacation starts off on the right foot :)

Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

Thought I would try and reinstate wedding Wednesday around here. 

Yesterday we went to see another DJ. (And can I just say I hate going to DJ appointments!) I know my budget doesn't lend to a band so I have to go DJ, and I'm not entirely happy with it but the DJ we met with last night finally won me over.

He wasn't showy or over the top. He gave us a walk through of the whole wedding and has a great website for us to choose all the songs we want and suggestions as well. Plus he was extremely nice! My uncle recommended him and I'm glad he did! Now I just need to tell him we are picking him and send the deposit and were good!

Glad to get another big thing crossed up the list! It also didn't hurt that the DJ was 2 miles from Seaside :). We enjoyed Mexican food for dinner while having a view of the ocean! Much needed after a busy work week and house hunting week! We grabbed some fudge, (My favorite thing at the beach!) and headed home after midnight. We felt so badass for staying out late on a work night! We really must be getting old :)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Giants Game

We are soaking up the last of summer! And we have been going to our annual sports games to see our favorite teams :) the Yankees and the giants! I like watching baseball but oooo how much I have missed football!! Football means fall and lazy Sundays cuddling up in blankets watching the game and having people over for wings and beer (for the guys at least! Not a beer drinker myself). But I love fall! I am ready for fall clothes and boots! I am also glad this is our last football season as an engaged couple! This time next year we will be married! And that makes me over the moon excited! Looking forward to football Sundays and the first ever Super Bowl in New Jersey!! (Not looking forward to the traffic!) now enjoy some pictures! :)

Got to see MO pitch for the first time! This will be his last season :( so sad!

Love games with my Shea :)

Shea his brother Seth and his cousin Eric joined us :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Envision yourself

So my fiancĂ©'s brother said you will know the house is right for you when you can envision yourself living there. The house we saw on Sunday I can totally do that! 

I can envision a nice big couch against the main huge window in the living room and no drapes to let the sunshine come through... Shea cooking breakfast (come on a girl can dream haha) while I am finishing working on my laptop on the kitchen table. Peering above it every now and then to catch a smile from him. Our kids running in from the backyard through the kitchen as I tell them to slow down, and go back and take their dirty shoes off, in the mud room. I can picture us taking pictures out in front of the house, and a vegetable garden in the backyard. I can picture it all. And I hate this nagging feeling like it might not be the one or we haven't seen enough to know. It's just hard not to dream :)

Monday, August 12, 2013


It's interesting to see how Shea and my's relationship has grown over the last almost 8 years! I see it the most in our types of conversations.

When before our normal conversations were about where to go to eat and what movie to watch. Simple pure conversations that a new couple would have. Then it traveled to how many children should we have and what our dream wedding would be like. 

Our conversations these days are what kind of duct work is behind the wall and is there enough room in the walls to convert the house to central air or how much we should put aside for the couch and bed we still need.

Those are the conversations your parents had that you thought we're boring or so "grown-up." But now I see their interest in those things because I never knew I would be excited about duct work! Or learning the difference between oil and gas heat and forced air and baseboard heat. I am so beyond excited to fill my days with how to tear down plaster walls and how to move a wall to make a bigger closet. And I am so excited I get to have these conversations with my Shea :) these my dear are the best conversations by far!

Sunday, August 11, 2013


I'm back I'm back!!

I have been keeping up with my usual blogs these days thanks to the wonderful bloglovin app and its making me want to start blogging again! And with the blogger app I can write posts easier than hiding in a corner at work trying to write a quick post!

Life is kind of hectic these days! Since my last post of a year ago lots of fun exciting things have happened! I now have a new niece and nephew! That brings the grand total to 10!!! Seriously Christmas is going to suck this year fort wallet haha but I do love buying baby clothes and toys! Everyone is happy and healthy! B from the quads is walking! Seriously they have grown up so quickly! They are all mobile now so eating dinner is crazy. Shea and I sit scrunched up into balls so we can eat and not have little hands in our food. But I am just so glad they are all doing so well!

Wedding updates! So I have a habit of changing the wedding date. Most if not all people choose a date and keep it but not Shea and I! Or me for that matter. I never thought of myself as one of those need the best brides but I really am turning into one. Another location opened at our venue and I told myself no I am not changing anything we are just going to look at it. Shea knew better. And OMG after I walked in and saw it my mouth dropped and I was sold! So we will now be married outside an old diary barn and having the reception in the barn!! I CAN'T wait! Our new date is June 7th, 2014. So the countdown is on! I bought my dress back in May and I seriously want to wear it everyday and everywhere!! I miss seeing it and am patiently waiting 4 more months for them to call me for my first fitting :), but it's beautiful in every way and nothing I saw myself getting or what Shea would expect which I'm happy about :)! DJ is our major last thing and I hate all djs so I am having a hard time but we will see. I booked the videographer and they are amazing!!! And coming all the way up from Georgia! We took our engagement pictures the end of May and I love them with all my heart! I can look at them for days and have posted them everywhere :). I will do a post on those soon! Honeymoon we picked Costa Rica. I'm excited! Any place would be perfect with my man.

Now on to our next major task! House hunting!!! We spoke with mortgage guy back in February who I love! Such a sweet guy and is a newlywed himself which makes me love him more! He referred us to our realtor now and he just so happens to know my brother. Such a small world. Rates are starting to slowly creep back up so I feel like I'm in a rat race now. Last weekend of house hunting sucked! I was so upset because every house we wanted to stay was already sold. I never realized how emotional this process can be but it really is. You just got to keep your head up and keep moving forward. We went to see a house today and it was extremely cute! Older built in the 1920's but very cute! And lots of potential. There are a few main things that need to be worked out like converting it to central air (a must for me!) and moving the laundry to the first floor, but it's the first house that I could truly see us living and starting a family in. Shea just lit up after we saw and just said to me that he LOVED it! And Shea has been picky so it meant a lot. We are now crunching ourselves to see houses over the next 2 weeks before we leave for vacation (Vermont you are so close and so needed!!) and if we still like the house after vacation we will make an offer. It's scary being grown-ups! And the house hunting process it's tough work and a second job (that I have no time for because my first job keeps me soooo busy!) but it is getting fun again so I am glad. 

And work is soooo busy! I got put in charge of a huge project which I am thankful for but it's making me so stressed! And I work 7am-7pm almost everyday! Ugh! Working for myself needs to come into play soon because working for the man sucks bunches! The next 3 weeks will be killer but then I leave for Vermont with Shea and his brothers family (all 7 kids in tow) and I CANNOT wait! 

But I am excited to blog again :) this is really the best time of y life! And I want to remember it :)