Well, it was another long but happy week at work and in life, and then a crazy weekend as always. It is so warm outside and supposed to be 70 all week!! I received my girl scout cookie order today!! I don't know what it is about these cookies, but they are amazing!!

Today seems like a good day to introduce my future sister-in-law Cassie! I have two wonderful future sisters, Sierra and Cassie! They are just wonderful people and I am excited to get more sisters! Especially older sisters! I have a younger sister who I love dearly, but I have always wanted an older sister. I do have an older sister Julie, but she went to heaven before I was born. I do feel like she does guide me when I need older sister help.
Well, Sierra has 2 little boys who I adore! They are 2 1/2 and 9 months old. I don't get to see them a lot (which I have to change!) But, I love watching them grow and learn! You can follow her homeschooling blog at www.his4homeschooling.blogspot.com where she talks about all the craziness of homeschooling her lovies. Then, there is Cassie! Cassie and I have had a special bond since I met her. Sierra is my boy's sister and Cassie is my boy's brother's wife. So, Cassie and I have that in common. We also are a day apart in birthdays! It is always so much fun to celebrate our birthdays together and get spoiled by our men! Cassie has no sisters, but two brothers while I have a sister and 3 brothers. We understand the drama of everything and watch all the crappy reality shows together! Cassie and I can talk about anything and everything!
We learned this past October that Cassie was pregnant with quadruplets!! The whole family was in shock, but so grateful for all the blessings. Cassie has 2 little ones already. One who is 18 months and one who is 13. They are awesome kids! Who I have gotten to know so well and see grow up! See, since Cassie found out, she and her husband (my boy's brother) decided they would move back in with his parents. So, everyday practically I come over to my boy's house and see them both! It is defiantly showing me quickly how hard an 18 month old can be! He is wonderful don't get me wrong! I love him to pieces! But, even the most amazing 18 month olds are always a handful!
I love coming through the door and having him yell my name out and say hello to me! It makes me look forward to when I have kids! (which won't be for awhile, don't get your hopes up!) So, for the last month or so Cassie has been in the hospital bedridden and waiting for these babies! We have all been running around crazy getting the house ready for the babies, seeing Cassie in the hospital, and taking care of Cassie's kids. She is 28 weeks tomorrow and we are hoping she will go to at least 30 weeks, but her contractions have been to constant at the moment.
Which brings me to my point for the post. I might be an auntie to 4 more beautiful babies by tonight!! It is exciting and overwhelming all at the same time! We won't feel the effects soon because the babies will be in the hospital for awhile, but I can't wait to see these babies already and start seeing the personalities and how every one's life will be shaped for the better. A child is a gift to this world and should never be taken for granted. I have always believed that we are never given more then we can handle, and to never take life for granted. I can't wait to have a front-row seat to seeing these babies grow because I know it will make me a stronger person and develop my patience and my nurturing.
Cassie we love you and we wish you all the best! Super excited!!
Song: I'll be : Edwin McCain

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